Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Threes

Next Wednesday is my 39th birthday. That's March 3 (3/3). The day after that I'll be entering my 39th week of pregnancy. Something tells me that all these threes are somehow auspicious. Not a believer in Chinese astrology, particularly, but I'm wondering what a Chinese astrologer would say about the chances of my little boy arriving on 3/3 (perhaps at 3:33?)

So....2 cm (no, not 3) dilated at this point. My OB said that was "pretty good for a first timer" at just shy of 38 weeks. I love it. As if I can really take any credit for the progress of my cervix. But go, cervix, go!

Still going to work. I'm soldiering forward. My wonderful doctor said she could take me out any time I wish and get me on disability. But I'm still just not willing to cash in on my 13 week leave quite yet. I'm having a good week fatigue-wise (tired, but not overwhelmed) and I'm not weeping anymore. So for now the plan is to work until Friday the 5th (barring potential arrival on 3/3) and that's it.

The nursery is totally done. Clothes are laundered. Diapers are in the house. Haven't installed the car seat yet but was kind of waiting for my mom to arrive (on 3/3). My place is clean. Not immaculate, but clean.

And so, I wait. This is a really intense time! The anticipation is crazy. Beyond all-encompassing. Amazing. Exciting. Terrifying. I am so thankful in so may ways right now.

Updates to come.


Casey from LifewithRoozle.com said...

Yay! So exciting!! Sounds like you are ready! Now just relax :)

Anonymous said...

Relax and enjoy your last few moments of quiet!

Dora said...

That's great! I'm impressed with your 2 cm. My water broke and I had contractions, but I was less than a 1/2 cm. You're on your way to welcoming your little boy!

cmay said...

2 cm IS good for a first timer. Work already done!
I can't wait for the updates!

Kristina said...

curious how things are going, did you have the baby? sending good thoughts. . .