My mom left today, after almost 4 weeks! She was so incredibly helpful and made every single meal, did all the laundry, even stayed up with the baby some nights. And yet I already feel like I have more time now that she is gone! I guess more "me" time, if that even exists anymore.
My baby boy is doing fabulously well. He is getting round and pudgy, and already about to burst out of his newborn size clothes. At our next appointment on Tuesday I am already predicting that he has gained at least a lb, if not more. It's exciting and astonishing to see him grow and change every day. I wish you could somehow bottle the feeling of gazing into your newborn's eyes as he gazes back. Thank goodness for video...but still, that feeling could never be captured on film!
I'm afraid to jinx it by writing it down, but I think I have an "easy" baby on my hands! But I have to give some credit to the 'baby whisperer' book, which had me getting him on a routine immediately. I've gotten so, in 3-1/2 weeks, I can already read almost all of his cries (at least those that he's had so early in life!). He barely wails at all--has gotten over the diaper change wailing--and even enjoys his bath. He gives me a few pointed waa waa waas when he's hungry, but seems to be able to easily soothe himself. I must say, the pacifier is my best friend though. He really needs to suckle, a lot, even when he's not hungry. It's like a drug, the change that comes over his face when I plug him in, as I call it. Ahhh...sweet relief...thanks mommy! Now I'm just hanging on until he sleeps more than 3 hours at a stretch.
I am enjoying every minute. My tears thus far have been of joy. Except yesterday, a bit of anger. My dad was here to pick up my mom and take her home. All of a sudden there were two babies in the house. But oh well. I could deal with it for one short day I guess. And my parents have been more than generous overall, mostly my mom, but my dad, too.
Mom left the fridge stocked with at least a month's worth of food. So now all I have to do is spend every precious moment with my little boy! Next week I start a 'new moms group'. I was in a 'pregnancy group' held at the same place and the ladies were all younger than me, all partnered (surprise), but still very interested and supportive of my story. Let's hope the same holds true for this group.
Ok, a rather boring update, but there's not much going on here but oogling and googling and lots and lots of diaper changes! (I even take pleasure in the diaper changes! And don't even get me started with the outfits...I can't fit into a thing, but he looks adorable every day).
A wonderful update :-).
And a cute picture of him and the cat.
I am so loving the kitty/kid picture! Glad you're not one of those crazy people (like most of my family) who think the cat will 'steal his breath.'
Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? I'm so glad all is going well, and can't wait for more pics (when you get time, of course).
My mom did ALL the same things too while she was here! All the cooking, all the dishes from every meal, all the laundry...I was so spoiled! :) And then she went back home...*sigh* But it's the same story over here, too...nothin' but gooey happy baby moments! It's absolute heaven. Congrats!!
He sounds wonderful! I know what you mean about bottling the gazing. It's the best! I wish they could bottle the baby sounds, too...just love all that gurgling and squeeking...heck, I even loved it when they cried!
He's adorable. Sounds like you're enjoying every moment. Wait, it gets even better!! :-)
Not boring at all - it was such a sweet post. I'm glad to hear that things are going so well.
It's such an amazing time. You are doing better than I did. I leaned on my mom for longer--but of course, she encouraged it too!
Thank goodness for moms, huh?
You are doing awesome, you and Owen together.
LOVE the pictures.
How wonderful to know you are handling things so well and that you have such a good baby in your hands. The photos are great. Thanks for sharing. Cherish every minute of it because it passes very fast.
Hi Jo
I'm a terrible blogger and never post and only seldom manage to find time to read other people's blogs. So what a lovely treat to drop in and see that you've had a beautiful baby boy.
I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant with a girl (from IVF#2). She's due on my birthday too.
All the best for a wonderful life together.
Lovely update! I hope things are still going well with your boy :)
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